Inside The Lives Of The Rich Kids Of Russia ─ TheTalko

Take a look inside the world of the wealthiest Russian citizens.
There is a trend on Instagram that follows the lives of super rich kids. We have seen these rich kid profiles sprout up for countries all over the world. And one of the most decadent accounts is dedicated to the rich kids of Russia. From their designer wardrobes to their private jet vacations, we are taking a look inside the lives of the rich kids of Russia.

Much like rich kids from other countries, Russian elites can’t help but post photos in private jets. They also like to bring their favorite companions along for the ride, like their stuffed animals and pets. But, could there be some trickery behind the scenes of these Instagram posts? We are going to expose some of these so-called rich kids, but you have to watch the video to see!

We are also going to show you where these kids like to vacation, their obsession with watches, and some ridiculous things they purchase, like gilded gold burgers and cars. Once you are done watching the video, let us know what you think in the comment section below!

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