10 Things Your Body Shape Says About You
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Human bodies are capable of some incredible things, and a whole host of not so impressive ones. From hiccups to sneezes, these things can, at times, be very embarrassing and you’ve surely wished that there was an easier way to stop them. Well, we have compiled some tricks that will keep your body in fighting shape. Popping a piece of gum into your mouth can do much more than keep your breath fresh, it can also make you feel calm and make it easier for you to pay attention. If you’re struggling with feeling confident before a big meeting, we will show you how pressing one specific spot on your hand can alleviate your anxiety. Heartburn can be a real pain, but when you let gravity help you out and sleep on a specific side of your body, you might not even need to take medication for it.
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Body Tricks That'll Make You Say "Why Didn't I Know About This Sooner?" ─ TheRichest
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