Biggest Movie Mistakes You Totally Missed (Justice League) ─ TheRichest

10 WORST Editing Mistakes That Actually SLIPPED Through

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With 2018 just around the corner you know what that means. That’s right, movie award season is coming. In the lead up to all the red carpets and gossip it’s time for Hollywood to unleash the final wave of blockbusters in the hope of scoring a nomination. Of course, we here at TheRichest love movies. In fact, we can’t get enough of them - to the point that we create our own videos about movies. If you’ve followed us for any amount of time then you know that we love picking apart films. Even if they are our favorite, we love finding those goofs, mistakes and things that just don’t make sense. Then we put them all together and present them to you. Now you can take these following movie mistakes and use them as trivia with your friends or simply ruin the viewing experience of others around you. You are welcome!

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