10 Video Games You're Not Allowed To Play ─ TheRichest

top 10 video games that are banned around the world
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Since the ESRB was first put into action in 1994, games have undergone a massive evolution, growing into complex, layered narratives with deep stories that are looking to be taken more seriously. This has caused something of a rift in the content evaluation of games, with developers seeking to have their games examined through the liberal-minded prism of books and movies while ratings boards have shown reluctance to open the floodgates when it comes to a medium so predominantly enjoyed by young consumers. Take the case of 2014 Nintendo 3DS release “Bravely Default”, for example. The Japanese game received conditional censorship in Europe on the grounds that it alter the skimpy outfits of its main character and up her age from 15 to 18. Some, however, pointed out that such restrictions were not placed on Vladimir Nabokov’s classic “Lolita”, nor its two film adaptations.

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