WE KISSED!! ─ CaseyNeistat

if i'm going to be totally honest with you we weren't even kissing. candice ate some chocolate candy thing and didn't like it and was momma birding it into my mouth - i realize that's totally flipping disgusting but we've been together for like a zillion years and after all that time you do weird shit. also there are starving kids all over the world and i really see no reason to waste perfectly good half eaten chocolate candy. thanks for taking the time to read this nonsense.

BIG CAMERA; http://tinyurl.com/jn4q4vz
BENDY TRIPOD THING; http://tinyurl.com/gw3ylz2
YOU NEED THIS FOR THE BENDY TRIPOD; http://tinyurl.com/j8mzzua
WIDE LENS; http://tinyurl.com/jkfcm8t
MORE EXPENSIVE WIDE LENS; http://tinyurl.com/zrdgtou
SMALL CAMERA; http://tinyurl.com/hrrzhor
MICROPHONE; http://tinyurl.com/zefm4jy
OTHER MICROPHONE; http://tinyurl.com/jxgpj86
DRONE; http://tinyurl.com/h4ft3oy
OLD DRONE (cheaper but still great);http://tinyurl.com/zcfmnmd
EXPENSIVE CAMERA I DON’T USE ENOUGH; http://tinyurl.com/hurfrub

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Music by Aqua Stone Throne http://aquastonethrone.com

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