10 Celebrities Attacked By Fans On Stage ─ TheTalko

Justin Bieber, Beyonce, Pitbull and 7 other celebrities who got attacked in concert. Subscribe: https://goo.gl/Hnoaw3
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When celebs take the stage, it’s easy to get carried away. From the bright lights, to the fancy costumes, it’s no wonder some fans can’t control themselves. These crazy fans turn it up a notch when they get carried away and attacked these celebs while they were performing on stage.

Whether it’s a famous rapper or a mega pop star, these celebrities are all fair game when they are thrust into the spotlight. Sometimes security just isn’t enough to keep these celeb admirers at an arms length. It can be even more dangerous when the celebs themselves are reaching out for their fans onstage. Beyoncé was on stage in Brazil when a shirtless fan grabbed her and tried to drag her into the crowd. The singer was able to break free when security came to her rescue. Beyoncé was able to continue the show like nothing happened. The fan was being brought out when Beyoncé talked to him from stage. The singer told him it was ok and that she loved him, she even reached down to give him a handshake.

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