These are some of the most amazing stories of how hostages have sent messages to the police, 911 or their government to signal that they're in need of help immediately!
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Welcome back, Richest fans! When a person is taken hostage, they often have to resort to extreme, creative measures to survive and escape. Sometimes, the person can be taken hostage out in public. With no one around them knowing that something is wrong. In order to get help, the captive may send out a secret note or message. Then, they have to hope the person receiving the message understands what's at stake. Today, we're going to look at the ingenious ways people have been saved due to their quick thinking.
Whenever a hostage manages to escape through innovative means, the story will be covered in the news. A Lot of the stories today are just like that. Firstly, Cheryl Treadway used Pizza Hut's app to call for the police. We also have another pizza-related story involving Keith Weisinger. When Jeremiah Andrew Denton Jr was a prisoner in Vietnam, he used Morse Code to inform the U.S what had been happening to him. We also have a story that is a literal message in a bottle involving migrants and traffickers in Costa Rica! This story you may know of from Argo. But this Canadian Caper has much more to it. Another story involves the unpaid workers at Bravo Tekstil. They made clothes for Zara and other big stores! We also have a secret message at the DeLand Animal Hospital. There's an entry that involves the Columbian army that snuck their message in a pop song. We have the heroic actions of Captain Ahmedou Mohamed Lemine. There's also the amazing escape of two Kurdish Yazidi girls.
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Secret Messages Sent By Hostages That Saved Their Lives ─ TheRichest

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