10 Ugliest Wedding Dresses You’ll Ever See ─ TheTalko

Wedding Dresses That Were "A Little" TOO Extra
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Everyone wants to look good on their big day. Some ladies are even willing to take a few fashion risks in order to do so. But, there are times they completely miss the mark and end up looking like something in the fashion “don’t” section. Today, we are looking at 10 wedding dresses that were “a little” TOO extra. In this video, we will take a peek at some wedding gowns that either came with a high price tag or bizarre design. One dress that falls into both categories would be reality star Kim Zolciak’s dress. Another celebrity to make the list is Celine Dion, but for a much different reason. Did you know that her gown required her to sew something onto her head? Once you are finished watching the video, tell us what you think in the comment section below, and don't’ forget to subscribe to TheTalko!

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