Net Neutrality For Dummies ─ TheTalko

How net neutrality will affect YOU.
In December 2017, the FCC, or Federal Communication Commission, made the controversial decision to vote against net neutrality and it started a huge debate. Barack Obama is responsible for making the internet a public service, and Donald Trump took advantage of the situation by letting the ISPs, or internet service providers, deliver the service in their own discretion. Today, we are looking at the pros and cons of this situation in net neutrality for dummies.

You can imagine that the ISP built a big road from the internet to the consumers. With net neutrality, they are all stuck in traffic and move at the same speed. But with the new regulations, some big companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Netflix will be able to pay the ISPs to use the fastest lane, while companies who have less money will have to use the slowest lane and could even be blocked.

But there are also some reasons why people are against net neutrality. For example, they think that if internet service providers have more money, they can invest it to make better infrastructure and make sure that people in remote areas have access to the internet. They also think that charging everyone the same price is unfair because some people use the internet less than others.

Stay tuned to hear more about net neutrality for dummies like why the new FCC decision will be bad for you and what you can do to make things change for the best. And you, are you for or against net neutrality? Don’t be shy to make your voice heard in the comments section down below. We love to hear what you think!

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