15 Things Women Do That Men Can't Understand ─ TheRichest

top 10 facts about girls all men should know
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No matter how much we try, sometimes it just seems like there is no way men will ever completely understand women, or vice versa! While we all struggle with understanding other people sometimes, in this video we’re going to talk about 15 things every woman does that men will never understand. Like, why do women feel the need to carry around so much stuff in one of their various purses? And if they love shopping so much, why don’t they buy their own hoodies and stop taking yours? Well, there are a couple of interesting reasons why the women in your life may seem to be perpetually chilly. And if your female friends spend a lot of time primping in front of the mirror, trying to decide which shade of lipstick to wear, there’s a reason for that! Except for the eyebrow obsession. We can’t really explain that one. And after ladies are done decorating their faces, they’re known to add decorative pillows to their bed, sometimes far too many. And they’re not to be used, much like the decorative hand towels and soaps in the bathroom. If you’ve ever asked a girl what she wants to eat for dinner and she told you that she doesn’t care before proceeding to say no to every suggestion you make, you’ll want to watch this video! Women are even harder to understand as a group. Like why do they all go to the bathroom at the same time? And why can’t we get through one meal without her taking out her phone to send a snap to her bestie?

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