10 Things You’ll Never Buy Once You Know What’s Inside ─ TheRichest

products you won't purchase when you find out how it's made
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We’re back yet again with another video detailing all sorts of products you love and the disgusting things hidden away inside. Many of these products are known to be bad for you, but ignorance is bliss. That is, if you don’t know specifically what’s in it, then it’s not ‘really’ that bad. Other products here are a bit more shocking because they are assumed to be pure and healthy but contain a rather surprising ingredient.
Ahead we’ll start you off with an easy one – cigarettes. Yes, you know they are horrible for your health but do you know exactly what sorts of “ingredients” are in them? Then there’s Casu Marzu, a Mediterranean cheese that is illegal in most parts of the world because it contains maggots. Oh, you read that right. Ever noticed all that canned meat on the grocery shelves? Someone’s eating that, otherwise they wouldn’t stock it. We’ll show you what’s inside. When you head out for a burger or fries it’s often fun to order a milkshake. Unfortunately we have a pretty long list of things that are in that shake that may make you think twice. Processed Cheese is a staple of the American diet. Surprisingly it contains a lot less “cheese” than you might think. If you enjoy that natural vibrant pink color of the salmon you’re about to eat, look more closely. If it’s farm-raised that color is not natural. As kids many of us enjoyed a golden and delicious Twinkie. Sure, we know they aren’t good for you but just wait until you see what’s actually in these little snack cakes. Cereal is safe, right? Sure there’s brands with a lot of sugar or food coloring, but disturbingly many popular cereals are also testing positive for high levels of herbicides. Even orange juice isn’t without its issues. Whether Minute Maid or Tropicana, those juices fortified with vitamin D have animal products in them. Finally, we’ll end off with everyone’s favorites: Doritos and Cheetos. These orange snacks are just not good for you and what’s inside may have you questioning your grocery list the next time you head out.

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