▶ WATCH ALL MY PARODIES - http://goo.gl/0Yoivo ▶ SNAPCHAT ME - BartBaker
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▶ My 2nd Channel - http://www.youtube.com/Bart
▶ DOWNLOAD MY GREATEST HITS ALBUM HERE - http://bit.ly/BartHits2014 Also Available on Google Play - http://bit.ly/BartHits2014GP
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Get the original song on iTunes - https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/dan...
Watch the original video - https://youtu.be/SXiSVQZLje8
Voiced by:
Ariana Grande - Devyn Deloera
Nicki Minaj - Tiffany Tynes
Bart Baker
Ariana Grande - Jessica Lesaca - https://youtube.com/user/JessicaLesaca
Nicki Minaj - Tiffany Tynes - https://www.youtube.com/user/tiffyt08
Doctor - Bart Baker - http://www.youtube.com/user/BartBaKer
Female 1 - Katherine Curtis
Female 2 - Mashariki Fly
Female 3 - Skye Shephard
Female 4 - Hayley Filsinger
Female 5 - Danielle Carrillo
Female 6 - Natalie Romo
Male 1 - Robert Hinton
Male 2 - Mickael De Sinno
Male 3 - Sharif Khineche
Male 4 - Noah Daniels
Male 5 - David Ratcliffe
Male 6 - AJ Marion Jordan
“Side to Side” Parody Created/Written/Directed by - Bart Baker - http://www.youtube.com/user/BartBaKer
“Side to Side” Parody Executive Producer - Madison Wellington
“Side to Side” Parody Director – Layne Pavoggi
“Side to Side” Parody Writer – Eli Braden - http://www.elibraden.com/
“Side to Side” Parody Producer – George Kimmel
“Side to Side” Parody Producer – Pete Forthun
“Side to Side” Parody Producer - Bryce Hallock
“Side to Side” Parody Coordinator – Miriam Reyna
“Side to Side” Parody Editor - King Kohn
“Side to Side” Parody Instrumental Track Composer – Jose “Choco” Reynoso http://bit.ly/1q6agYU
“Side to Side” Parody Director of Photography - Jon Na
“Side to Side” Parody Assistant Camera - Kyle Herman
“Side to Side” Parody Gaffer - Andy Chin
“Side to Side” Parody Jib Operator – Dwight Lay
“Side to Side” Parody Dolly Operator – Brad Carr
“Side to Side” Parody Camera/Remote Tech. – Louis Attardo
“Side to Side” Parody BTS Cam-Op. - Alana Fickes
“Side to Side” Parody Costume Designer - Amanda Hosler - http://www.amandahosler.com/
“Side to Side” Parody Costumer - Viktoriya Kaltcheva
“Side to Side” Parody Key Makeup - Ada Tranh
“Side to Side” Parody Makeup Assistant - Ashley Jeanne
“Side to Side” Parody Art Director - Drew Klopfer
“Side to Side” Parody Set Dresser - Griffin Casey
“Side to Side” Parody Set Decorator - Sydney Marquez
“Side to Side” Parody Production Assistant – Jordan Rockower
“Side to Side” Parody Production Assistant – Gustavo Gonzalez
“Side to Side” Parody Production Assistant – Tilky Jones
“Side to Side” Parody Office Production Assistant – JM Longoria
“Side to Side” Parody Office Production Assistant – Hakeem Allen
“Side to Side” Parody Set Medic – Hollywood Set Medic
“Side to Side” Endslate Audio Tech – Matt Colbert
Any non-parody music tracks used courtesy of Epidemic Sound
Ariana Grande ft. Nicki Minaj - "Side To Side" PARODY ─ Bart Baker

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