Sea Monsters You've Never Seen Before ─ TheRichest

Scientist's have recently discovered multiple unknown, and never before seen rare species at the bottom of the ocean. From the Mariana's trench, to under the Antarctic, we virtually guarantee you've never seen these monsters before!

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The sea is full of mystery and danger. And although the ocean makes up more than 70% of the surface of the Earth, we still know so little about it. One thing we do know however is that the ocean is where life began. So it's no wonder that it contains some of the strangest animals on the face of the planet, some of which we're sure you'll be amazed to learn about. What kind of pigs are swimming on the ocean floor? Just how aggressive are Leopard Seals? And is it true that the parasites from Alien were inspired by strange miniscule creatures floating in the open sea? Do these animals pose a threat to humans? Certainly your understanding of the wildlife beneath the ocean will change, as we discuss these strange and incredible sea creatures.

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