The Last Living Dinosaur Could Be Hiding In The Congo ─ TheRichest

Scientist's may have found the last living dinosaurs, hiding out in the Congo basin in Africa. For centuries, rumors like the Loch Ness Monster, Mokele Mbembe, Champ and others could still be alive - until recent scientific evidence suggest, there may be some truth to these rumors!

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Welcome back, Richest fans! Today, we have a tale as long as people have been around. Folklore. It’s a story wrapped in the realm of legend. For centuries, we’ve swapped narratives about mythical beasts. The Chupacabra, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster and many others are spoken around campfires. Some of those tales have revolved around dinosaurs. While we have evidence that they existed at some point, these tales discuss the possibility of our planet being home to some surviving species to this day. With large parts of Africa, especially in the jungles, being unmapped, perhaps this is where they reside…
Recently, a video spread across the internet that may just be the evidence that we’ve been looking for. It showed a group of small dinosaurs scurrying across a road. As a result, we’re going to explore that possibility. The video may be proof that the legendary Mokele-mbembe is alive today. We’re going to chat about this creature. Such as where it lives in the Congo Basin and the Congo River. How its origins came to be from tales in the Democratic Republic of Congo. As well as how a wall in Bolivia relates to this tale. We’ll go over the history of the beast with cryptozoology enthusiast, Roy Mackal, in mind. As well as Carl Hagenbeck’s encounter with the legend. We’ll also attempt to identify what sort of dino it is. Could be a Brontosaurus, Baryonyx, or Plesiosaurs? On top of that we’ll look at tales of other strange animals like the platypus and coati. Perhaps we’re looking at a new Jurassic Park. It’s a story you won’t want to miss.

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