Most Extreme Female Contortionists From Around The World ─ TheTalko


Art isn't limited to a canvas and a paintbrush. Every year, artists emerge to display their gorgeous talents, some of which are hard to comprehend. This is the case for the jaw-dropping art of contortion. Both women and men have tipped the scales as the most flexible contortion artists in the world. But in this video, we take a look at the most extreme female contortionists in the industry. Who could forget about the young and insanely-talented Sofie Dossi, who blew the judges of "America's Got Talent" away with her skillful performance? Since appearing on the reality TV show, Sofie has traveled the world and set a brand new Guinness World Record. Then there's New York native Maria Pucciarelli, a contortionist who pushed herself every single day until she finally achieved the flexibility of her dreams. While some contortionists are born with flexible joints, some have to work twice as hard to bend half as much. But that wasn't the case for Scarlet Checkers, whose flexibility emanates from a super rare collagen disorder known as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

We also cover the Rybka twins, two Australian sisters who travel the world, performing on many stages. You might even recognize them from "Dance Moms!" But if you think a set of contortionist twins is impressive, wait until you hear about the all-girl group known as Angara Contortion. We also cover Golden Circus Festival finalist Tsetseglen Odgerel, amongst many other stunning performers. Once you're done watching this video, subscribe to TheTalko for more!

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