How The Rich Kids Of Iran Spend Their Fortunes! ─ TheRichest

YES You read that right! These are the rich kids of IRAN! Tehran (the capital) to be precise, and watch how these teens spend their millions on cars, yachts, vacations and houses!

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You've heard of the Rich Kids of Instagram, but now the just-as-lavish, extra-controversial Rich Kids of Tehran have taken centre stage in the world of attention-grabbing luxury. With family money flowing in, these young Iranians haven't spared a thought for their bank balances, living life to the fullest on huge yachts, flying around private planes, and forking out more cash than we can imagine on fast cars, endless vacations, and fashion with prices that make us want to tear up. So who are they? How exactly are they spending all this moolah? And why are people getting upset about it? Let's find out.

Also check out: This Is How The Royal Dubai Family Spends Their Billions -

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