Strict Rules Bachelor In Paradise Contestants Break All The Time ─ TheTalko

Bachelor In Paradise Rules Are Not Followed As Much As They're Supposed To Be. Blake Horstmann Isn't The Only Trouble Maker In Paradise.

Just because the people you see on Bachelor in Paradise are looking for love on a beautiful beach doesn't mean there aren't rules contestants have to follow. In fact, there are some pretty strict guidelines they're all expected to abide by when the cameras are rolling. Compared to other franchises the fact that they can turn down dates at all is rather surprising but then they're stuck back in their bedrooms with no air conditioning! Even though there's a two drink limit per hour plenty of people manage to find ways to end up under the influence regardless. Maybe it helps that most people aren't actually eating dinner during their get togethers! Thanks to creative editing it's possible to present people in any light producers want and it's not always easy to come clean even after the show. There are also plenty of banned items people try to sneak on the show anyway but even though most buy their own wardrobe space is still very limited. You might be surprised where they end up putting those hidden microphones!

What do you think about the stipulations the contestants on this reality show are expected to follow? Do you think they take away some of the "reality" from reality tv or do you think it's all worth it to hype up the drama and tension? Take a moment to share your thoughts with us in the comment section and then click on the subscribe button for more videos from us here at TheTalko.
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