10 Biggest April Fools Pranks The Entire World Fell For ─ TheRichest

What are the biggest April Fools pranks ever pulled? Well, these 10 April Fools were pulled on the entire world. is a popular holiday for everyone. We're in a pretty surreal world these days where sometimes we can't tell fact from fiction or truth from falsehood.

There was a time when the only reason people created fake news was for fun. And they were harmless pranks that didn't have career-ending repercussions or result in a lifetime of issues for the victim. The ultimate occasion for these mischievous misadventures was April Fool's Day. There were always a few eager instigators who waited for April First to come around so that the ultimate prank would result in a place on the podium of infamy and be the recipient of praise from the peers until the date rolled around again.

Sadly, while April Fool's Day is still around, it doesn't have the same impact, and much of this is due to social media. Too much false information has rushed to take the place of the traditional fib that existed only for our entertainment. And what we now call fake news is regenerated by clockwork with more unscrupulous motives in mind, whether they be to woo audiences to a political cause or ridicule those who have a different outlook. Back then it was called yellow journalism, but other labels that have since surfaced can't be used in more family-friendly media.

It's also sad that the art of executing the hoax is lost, because the best April Fool's Day pratfalls ever conceived required a great imagination and an eloquent enough presentation to convince the masses. Here, we uncover the best ever April Fools, clever enough to dupe the planet, and yet funny enough to ensure we never need to take ourselves so seriously. Enjoy.

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