There's Something Strange Happening With Gigi Hadid And Zayn Malik ─ TheTalko

The Truth About Gigi Hadid And Zayn Malik's Relationship And Break Up.
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Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid may be one of the cutest couples on social media, but recently things have been quiet between them. They're known for their quick breakups and makeups, so is it possible that this on-again, off-again couple is now off? We'll talk about the surprisingly shady circumstances of their first date, and how Zayn has a history of relationship troubles. Both of their exes, Perrie Edwards, and Joe Jonas, have far from kind things to say about their relationships. We'll go over the timeline of their relationship, and outline the troubles which have been plaguing this couple since the get go.

What do you think about the relationship between Gigi and Zayn? Are these two perfect for each other, and if so, is that a good thing? Share your thoughts with us in the comment section, then click subscribe for more from TheTalko.

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