Purchase Maddie Ziegler's new book, The Callback - http://bit.ly/2SgWxxf
Maddie Ziegler became an overnight internet sensation after appearing in singer-songwriter Sia's "Chandelier" music video in 2014. Since, she has been a part of a variety of different projects, including Focus Features' drama THE BOOK OF HENRY and recently lent her voice to the animated feature LEAP!. Following the release of her first novel "The Maddie Diaries," which debuted at #4 on the "Young Adult Hardcover" New York Times Bestseller List, she is proud to share her next novel 'The Callback."
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Maddie Ziegler Reacts to Teens Reacting to her in Sia's music videos.
Watch to see her Reaction.
Content featured:
Teens React to Elastic Heart
Big Girls Cry
Cheap Thrills
FBE's goal is to credit the original links to the content featured in its shows. If you see incorrect or missing attribution please reach out to [email protected]
Special Guest:
Maddie Ziegler
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P.O. BOX 4324
Valley Village, CA 91617-4324
Creators & Executive Producers - Benny Fine & Rafi Fine
Head of Production - Nick Bergthold
Creative Director & Senior Producer - Derek Baynham
Director of Post Production - Adam Speas
Supervising Producer - Kyle Segal
Producer - Ethan Weiser
Jr. Producer - Vartuhi Oganesyan, JC Chavez
Production Coordinator - Alberto Aguirre
Assistant Production Coordinator - Kristy Kiefer
Post Supervisor - Emily McGuiness
Editor - Jordan Towles, Zach Butler
Assistant Editor - Austin Miller
Jr. Studio Technician - Oscar Ramos, Stephen Miller, Jayden Romero
Production Assistant - Lauren Hutchinson, Kyllis Jahn, Micah Kearny,
Stefan Fior, Laura Lareau
Studio Technician - Sam Kim
Music - Cormac Bluestone http://www.youtube.com/cormacbluestone
© Fine Brothers Entertainment.
Maddie Ziegler Reacts To Teens React To Maddie Ziegler (Sia Music Videos)
Maddie Ziegler Reacts To Teens React To Maddie Ziegler (Sia Music Videos) ─ FBE

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