You'll Be Amazed At How This Strange House Was Built! But There's Only ONE Way To Get To It.. ─ TheRichest

10 Homes Built In The STRANGEST Places Around The World.
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Humans have three basic needs in life: food, shelter, and clothing. The more well off you are, in terms of money, the more extravagant you can become with your needs. For those who are yearning for a sense of adventure, then perhaps a home in a suburban neighborhood doesn't quite cut it. Someone might want to get away from conventional civilization so badly that they seclude themselves in a remote area. This can result in some incredible creativity when it comes to home architecture and design. Sure, it might seem like a good idea to build a house on the side of a cliff, but it can be a complicated process. This means that the strangest home locations in the world are also some of the most impressive. Watch this video to be amazed at how innovative people can get with their homes. Thanks to brilliant minds all over the world, anyone can have their own personal oasis almost anywhere.

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