I'm Covered in Horse Blood! - Here's An Idea! ANIMATED ─ ExplosmEntertainment

Drawn and animated by C.A. Kubesh! Improvised by 4 idiots.
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Find out how they got covered in horse blood in this this animated clip from Explosm's podcast, Here's An Idea!

You can listen to full episodes of Here's An Idea! on
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Follow Here's An Idea! on Twitter: https://twitter.com/heresanideapod

Cyanide and Happiness delivers daily comics to your face-hole on http://explosm.net since 2005!

Cyanide & Happiness Created By: Rob DenBleyker, Kris Wilson, Dave McElfatrick
Performances By: Rob DenBleyker, Kris Wilson, Dave McElfatrick, Joel Watson
Directed By: Joel Watson
Producer: Derek Miller
Animated By: C.A. Kubesh
Editor: Taylor Ransom
Sound Engineer: Derek Miller
Sound Design: Derek Miller

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