How I Beat My Internet Addiction. *Inspirational* ─ fouseyTUBE

THUMBS UP to show love to Daniel for his inspiring story!

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From The Creator:

My Youtube Channel is "Fearless DAN" here's the link:

My Snapchat: lebronchef

My IG: @dfreeman2347

You guys are amazing and what you've done with the channel is so generous.

A huge thank you from me and all the creators.

I feel like Rose and the team would relate a ton with this story.

I made a video about my mental health transformation; recovering from a chronic and crippling internet addiction and finally pushing through to healing and breaking the shackles I was in.

I want to simply help people who are also suffering from inner issues. That has always been my mission from day one and it always will be.

That's why I started YouTube and why I want to continue growing.


The biggest poison in us is regret. Be fearless.

Much love.


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