Vision Board:
#1 song on billboard hot 100.
350 Million Views in under 3 Months.
On Radio in the entire world at least once a day.
*Manifest your dreams as I just did*
*Help each other achieve each others dreams*
*Kill your ego*
*Let July 15th live through 4Ghosts*
*Don't be scared to announce your dreams to the world*
*God is the Greatest*
i challenge you to look deeper. we are so used to taking everything at face value. but before you draw a conclusion based on what you immediately THINK is being said. TRY to take a moment to look deeper. i don't want to have to explain this video. i had every intention of explaining it on stage after Drake performed. i was going to. but because of how it happened i let it be because it was God's plan. reflect on the day. search for different videos from different perspectives that captured #july15th after it was shut down. look for the real story. formulate your own opinion and don't just agree with the majority in the comments. think for yourself. listen to the people who were in the crowd after the show and i challenge you to find one of them who won't say they felt so much love in their hearts tonight. something special happened tonight. something BIG. it will be felt around the world because it was an energy that was a culmination of all of our hearts, spirits, and mind all focused on ONE common objective....HATE DIES, LOVE ARRIVES. for 24 hours i will stay silent on social media. because i want the story to tell itself. you can look at the outcome as something bad, but that is where i'd have to disagree. you see God makes no mistakes. and everything that happens when you're walking with love in your heart and positive intentions is supposed to happen. although i thought in order for the event to be a success i had to prove that i was going to be on stage with Drake. God said nope. i want you on top of an suv being rented by a father named Jose who agreed to be my driver for the day whom now after his love he showed me i am buying his car, giving him $50,000 and hiring him as my personal driver. he never has to worry for the rest of his life. he's my family now. because God put me here. i am living in my purpose. i was suicidal for an entire year in my parents basement. july 15th was the day i took back control of my life, showed myself and the world how much positive change i can do when i focus and believe in myself. and i wanted to share the love with everyone in attendance. i wanted to tell everyone how much i loved them. i wanted to tell each and every person tuned in that they could do and be anything they want in life if they just believe. i wanted to thank everyone who came to support from youtube personally. i wanted to share a loving and caring message to xxxtentacion rest in peace.. i wanted to ask why we choose to hate and put each other down instead of loving and building each other up. i wanted to throw every piece of lv, supreme, gucci, balenciagas into the crowd to show ya'll that all of that doesn't mean ANYTHING. i was gonna speak to the world as a Muslim in the United States and ask everyone for one moment to just LOVE each other. no matter your skin color. sexual orientation. religious beliefs. and political beliefs. we spend so much time dividing we don't ever take time to UNITE. which is what i had every intention of doing tonight on July 15th 2018. bryan, my brotha. i was gonna say i love you. your my brother. you were the king of disstracks. but you spent your career explaining why people need to be stopped. i think it's time together to tell people why to keep going. but for a POSITIVE reason. to be successful you don't have to hate on someone else. so to end diss tracks and hate once and for all, i was gonna end the last era of my life before i reintroduced the world to my real and authentic self on july 15th the same way the end of my era and kingdom came falling down. a disstrack about you. (roast yourself challenge)i wanted to celebrate with everyone including you through this song. because we were ALL choosing to STOP HATE AND GIVE LOVE. i want everyone to be FRIENDS. i want everyone to support each other. i want to be able to collaborate with EVERYONE in the game. youtubers need to take back what made the website SO amazing and start collabing with EVERYONE without fear that someone else is going to take their spot. there is enough views and ad revenue to go around for everyone. tonight meant so much to me. unfortunately the event ended before i got to explain how i met drake in 2 hours of wanting to. i did get to talk about the importance of self love and caring for everyone around you. God makes no mistakes. moving forward. i have willed for myself to be a guest on The Ellen Show on Friday the 20th to introduce myself to the world as Yousef Saleh Erakat the motivational speaker. see you then. :) ps. the real July 15th movie soon...
4Ghosts - lil khara ft. dj khaled, fousey #July15th ─ fouseyTUBE

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