20 Things You Didn't Know About Hailey Baldwin ─ TheTalko

Surprising facts about Justin Bieber's new fiance.
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Justin Bieber shocked the world when he got down on one knee and proposed to Hailey Baldwin. While she’s no stranger to the spotlight, many people are wondering who Justin’s bride-to-be is? Let’s just say, she comes from a pretty famous Hollywood family, and there is a lot more to Hailey Baldwin than runway shows and magazine covers. These are 20 things you didn’t know about Hailey Baldwin. First of all, you probably already know she’s absolutely stunning, and because she’s so beautiful, she has a pretty successful career in front of the camera. But before she was walking the runway, she was training to be a ballerina. So why did she hang up her ballet slippers? You’ll have to watch the video to see. We will also break down her dating history, and show you how she and Justin met, and how he proposed to her. Once you are finished watching the video, be sure to tell us what you think in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe to TheTalko!

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