10 Celebrity Pets Who Have A Better Life Than You ─ TheTalko

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It's almost everyone's dream to do little work but have a big payout. And when you see how some celebrity pets live, you may want to switch lives with them. They are living the high life, and all they have to do is be the best fur friend to their loving celebrity parents. These are 10 celebrity pets who have a better life than you. In this video we are going to take a glimpse into the world of some of the most spoiled pets. Take Choupette Lagerfeld for example. Not only does she have two nannies, but she makes more money per year than you could ever dream of. Then there are Kylie Jenner's and Paris Hilton's pooches. These two doggy mommy's a dropping some serious cash on luxury homes for their pets. Once you are finished watching this video, be sure to tell us what you think in the comments and don't forget to subscribe to TheTalko!

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