10 Facts About Men ALL Women Want To Know ─ TheTalko

10 Things girls wish they knew about guys.
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Many men complain that women are far too complex to understand, but they’re not so simple themselves. We have compiled a laundry list of questions that we would like to have answered about some of the confusing and frankly baffling things men do. You complain that we go to the bathroom in groups, but why do men take an eternity in there? It’s certainly not because you’re playing with all your bath products, since it seems your shower is sadly lacking. Women like to talk about everything, from our shoes, to our relationships, but what do men talk about when they’re all alone? And is it just a coincidence that every man says that his ex girlfriend was crazy? If she really was, we wonder who drove her to madness. We’ll also examine their baffling relationship with spicy food, and ask questions that you want to know but have been too afraid to ask. Once you are finished watching our show, tell us what you think below and don’t forget to subscribe to TheTalko!

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