5 Cosmetic Companies That Lied STRAIGHT To Your Face ─ TheTalko

These makeup brands tried to fool their customers.
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Who doesn’t love makeup? It can completely transform your look. After wearing makeup for a while, you will probably start to have some favorite brands. But not all brands are what they seem to be. Here are 5 Cosmetic Companies That Lied Straight to Your Face!

First off, some companies lie about being cruelty-free. They know that people hate when companies hurt animals so they pretend that they don’t. It’s all just a ploy to make more money. Mary Kay and Estee Lauder are just two of the companies that have been caught red-handed doing this.

Next up, is a brand that always seems to be in some kind of hot water. Not too long after they came out, people started accusing the company of reselling wholesale makeup. Apparently, the products looked the exact same. They were just a whole lot more expensive. Want to know the brand? You’ll have to watch the video to see.

Even a popular drug store brand has lied! When they came out with their eye cream, the advertisement made it seem like it could completely get rid of crow’s feet. In reality, the advertisement had been so photoshopped that the picture was completely misleading. The company had to eventually pull the ad and replace it with a more accurate picture.

Whether it’s lying about the quality, the price, or more, beauty brands are not always the most honest. You won’t believe which companies are on this list! Stay tuned to 5 Cosmetic Companies That Lied Straight To Your Face to find out why Kylie Jenner is under fire!

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