10 Things All Girls Wonder About Guys ─ TheTalko

10 questions all women have about men
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Figuring out guys can be pretty tough for girls. This is especially true because there are so many things girls want to ask guys that they just can’t. From why it takes them 5 minutes to get ready to what they really think about girl’s selfies, these are 10 things all girls wonder about guys.

Have you ever been getting ready for a night out with your guy and he tells you to let him know 10 minutes before you are ready? Well, that’s probably because he is going to use that 10 minutes to get ready himself. What is the deal with men being able to get ready so quickly? Though it will do nothing to speed up your routine, we have the answer to this question, but you’ll have to watch the video to see.

Women also have questions when it comes to guys and dating. When will he settle down? What is he first attracted to when he meets someone new? And what does he really think about an Instagram page full of selfies? We are also going to reveal the real reason guys go silent and ghost girls when they are dating.

If you are interested in these topics, then go ahead and check out our video. We will also discuss things like why guys take forever in the restroom, what guys talk about when they are together, and why guys need quiet time. When you are finished watching, be sure to let us know what you think in the comment section below.

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