Volunteering with YouTubers ─ Tyler Oakley

The holiday season is all about spending time with the ones you love + giving back, so a bunch of my friends and I visited a local soup kitchen to help make meals for those in the community. Comment below with what volunteering you and your friends are doing this holiday season! I'm thankful for so much - including all of you. Have a very happy Thanksgiving! :)

Thanks to my friends for joining me:

Raymond Braun - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbj0...
Sarah Galvez - https://twitter.com/SJ_Galvez
Joey Graceffa - https://www.youtube.com/user/JoeyGrac...
Kingsley - https://www.youtube.com/user/ItsKings...
Ingrid Nilsen - https://www.youtube.com/user/missglam...
Daniel Preda - https://twitter.com/MisterPreda
Alex Wassabi - https://www.youtube.com/user/hoiitsroi

Special thanks to the LA Kitchen for a great volunteer day!
Learn more: http://www.lakitchen.org/get-involved...

Find out where you can volunteer or donate in your community:

Join our Twitter family: http://twitter.com/tyleroakley

Binge (book): http://amazon.com/dp/1501117696
Snervous (documentary): http://bit.ly/SnervousiTunes
Psychobabble (podcast): http://itunes.com/psychobabble

Find Tyler:
Snapchat: snaptyleroakley
Videos: http://youtube.com/tyleroakley
Bonus Videos: http://youtube.com/extratyler
Twitter: http://twitter.com/tyleroakley
Tumblr: http://tyleroakley.tumblr.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/thetyleroakley
T-Shirts: http://districtlines.com/tyleroakley
Instagram: http://instagram.com/tyleroakley
Business inquiries: [email protected]

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