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For all of our technology and modernization, the world still remains a largely unexplored and wild place. How do we know this? Well, we’ve found a few stories we’d like to share with you about people who lived out in the wild for quite some time. In many instances, no one knew they existed for decades. Once discovered, these feral kids, survivalists, and army veterans faced a difficult and sometimes unsuccessful attempt at reintegration into society.
We’ll start you off with a Japanese military officer who continued to hide out on a Pacific island decades after World War Two ended. To prove that living in the wild can happen in the western world, we’ll tell you about a hermit who lived in the woods of Maine. Over in Russia, authorities were shocked when they found an unnamed little girl who was not only feral, but living with a herd of cows! Ho Van Lang and his father ran into the woods during the Vietnam War. They only recently were discovered living there. How isolated were the Lykov family when they chose to live in Siberia? Well, they didn’t even know World War Two had occurred. Back in the good ol’ US of A we’ll tell you about a man who lived in caves for several years before the authorities caught up with him. Known only as the Lone Woman, she was forgotten during the evacuation of a remote coastal island off California. Years later, authorities found her and tried reintegrating her into society. We’ll go full-on feral child next by telling you about the Russian werewolf boy. Reintegration didn’t go so well for him at all. A strange man discovered in the Amazon? Yup, we’ll tell you about a traveller who ended up a long way from home before being found. Finally, we’ll end off with a big mystery. It involves a man discovered in the jungles of southeast Asia, a link to the Vietnam War and two conflicting samples to prove his identity.
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10 Incredible People Who Survived The Wild ─ TheRichest

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