On The Wings of a Battman - Cyanide & Happiness Shorts ─ ExplosmEntertainment

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Every single day, all the time. Local crime boys do a big illegal crime.

Cyanide and Happiness delivers daily comics to your face-hole on www.explosm.net since 2005!

Created By: Rob DenBleyker, Kris Wilson, Dave McElfatrick
Directed By: Joel Watson
Screenplay By: Kris Wilson, Joel Watson
Story By: Kris Wilson, Joel Watson, Rob DenBleyker, Dave McElfatrick, Michael Rousselet, Evan Petersen
Voice Actors:
Joel Watson - John Battman
Joel Watson - Broots Waymb
Kris Wilson - Robernt
Animation Director: Bill Jones
Animation: Paul Blair, Alex Anderson Kenney
Character Design: Natalie Zusman
Background Art: Denise Magdale
Animatic: C.A. Kubesh
Editor: Taylor Ransom
Sound FX: Ben Governale
Assistant Sound Design: Samm Barrett
Music: Steve Lehmann
"On The Wings Of A Battman" performed by: Brina Palencia
Supervising Producer: Derek Miller
Produced By: Adam Nusrallah
Production Manager: Explosm - Autumn Netherton
Production Assistant: Lorraine Bett

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