Everyday Products With HIDDEN INGREDIENTS ─ TheRichest

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top 10 things you'll never buy once you know how it's made
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We like to think of ourselves as savvy consumers, but sometimes when it comes to food, we tend to chew first and ask questions later. Even if you do take the time to read the ingredients list before making a purchase, it’s likely that the real horror is hiding under the term “natural flavoring” or “natural coloring.” In t this video, we’ll ruin ten of your favorite foods-er, we mean we’ll reveal ten secret ingredients hiding where you least suspect it. One fast food chain is infamous for having burgers and fries that last a long time, and it may not be simply chemicals that are to blame. We know fast food was fatty, but these foods are so full of fat that it keeps them looking good for years. They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but before you pat yourself on the back for choosing the healthy egg option at your local restaurant, you should know that it’s likely more than just eggs you’re eating. Caramel coloring is an ingredient that is in just about everything we consume, and let’s just say it’s not made by heating up some sugar on the stove top like when you make regular caramel. Also, you’ll never guess what common substance usually contains either duck feathers, or human hair. We have a hard time deciding which one is worse! In addition to scary sounding preservatives with bizarre names, we’ll also be sure to let you know just how many flies eggs and maggots can legally be hiding in your pasta sauce. At least they’re a good source of protein!

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