50 Rihanna Outfits That Will Give You FASHION ENVY ─ TheTalko

Countdown of the 50 BEST outfits Rihanna has EVER worn!
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If you don’t already know, then you are about to learn that Rihanna is a style icon. The singer’s fashion sense has come a long way during her 12 years in the spotlight. From rocking her fabulous fur pieces in the streets to stopping the show at the Met Gala year after year, these are 50 Rihanna outfits that will give you fashion envy.

There is something about Rihanna and her love of fur. She can make a seemingly ordinary outfit fabulous by throwing a fur coat over it and walking out the door. One of our favorite outfits was from Paris Fashion Week when she paired a fur shawl with patent leather shoes for a chic tailored look.

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