10 Pranks That Went Way Too Far! ─ TheRichest

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ADD YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE (250 words): When we want a cheap laugh at someone else’s expense, we can either wait for something funny to happen, or take matters into our own hands. Most of the time, people go for the latter, much to our pleasure. Pranks are one of those things where anyone can be fair game. We prank each other because we like to see the reactions, and just the action of the prank itself on an unsuspecting victim. While pranks are meant to be funny, sometimes they can cross the line. Whether they are offensive or someone gets injured along the way, or worse...there are some pranks that shouldn’t be touched or messed with. Yeah, it isn’t fun. Sometimes the whole magic of pranks is the fact that they are slightly dangerous, if not completely controversial. However, the pranksters often don’t think about how their little plot can ruin a friendship, or even ruin some lives. This begs the question; how far are you willing to go to get a laugh at your friend’s expense?

In this video, we’re going to learn about ten pranks that weren’t so funny. Of course, the intention was probably positive, but then the results were far from humorous. Taking matters into our own hands in order to get something funny to happen is a risky business, and most of the time it doesn’t end well. These unsuccessful pranks make us ponder just how far are we willing to go to get entertained and amused? And should we be looking over our shoulders constantly for the next prank to occur?

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