10 Moments That Prove Being On STAGE Is HARDER Than It Looks ─ TheTalko

Performing and singing on stage is really a tough job.
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When you watch your favorite entertainer perform, you probably don’t expect things to be disastrous. However, not every concert or performance will go off without a hitch. But it's the way these celebs recover from these flubs that make their performances much more entertaining. We’ll be showing you celebs who forgot lyrics, slipped on stage, and experienced major wardrobe malfunctions in front of packed crowds. Here are 10 Moments That Prove Being On Stage Is Harder Than It Looks.

Katy Perry has had her fair share of awkward moments on stage, but nothing beats what happened during her outdoor concert in June 2017. Things started out perfectly, but they slowly went haywire once Katy experienced a wardrobe malfunction. Make sure to watch our video to see Katy’s embarrassing moment in action and to see how she reacted to it!

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