Simple Everyday Things That Are Ridiculously Overpriced ─ TheRichest

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We all have our own fantasies regarding what we would do if we won the lottery. While some of us may immediately picture traveling to exotic locations, or decking ourselves out in tons of bling, others may prefer to upgrade some of our everyday items to more luxurious versions. But how many wooden chess sets can you buy for the same price as one handcrafted over 4500 hours and made of gold and diamonds? Don’t worry, we’ve already done the math for you! While you were microwaving yourself some fish sticks, a restaurant in China was splashing out on a giant fish. Balloon animals are kind of an unusual hobby, but one artist earns big bucks using them as an inspiration for his sculptures. Another artist chose to create something incredibly expensive by painting his masterpiece on a motorcycle instead of canvas. The Hermes purse we’ll show you might be a lot of money for a purse, but what if we told you that it’s also a necklace, bracelet, and unreasonably expensive? They say you should know who your friends are, but if we learned anything from an expensive item once belonging to Elvis, you should know who your barber is as well. It may not have actually been attached to her body, but the dress Marilyn Monroe wore to sing Happy Birthday to former president Kennedy might as well have been. With everyone having cell phones with cameras, it might surprise you the ridiculous sum that one single photograph of the River Rhine was sold for at auction.

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