10 World Leaders With Dark Pasts ─ TheRichest

top 10 presidents, prime ministers and other world leaders who have secrets you didn't know
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Around the world, there are hundreds of countries with billions of people going about their daily routines and lives. These countries don’t just run themselves but require a network of people to oversee, plan and organize operations for the both the long term and day-to-day basis. Often, but not always, elected, we know these individuals as politicians and leaders. World leaders are usually put in power because they are the best choice for running their country. For the most part, this is true. Balancing budgets, addressing the needs of the people, maintaining a military and working with other world leaders are all part of the job for these officials. However, we often forget that these world leaders are just human beings too – often complete with their own shortcomings and mistakes.
In fact, one thing some world leaders have that would surprise many people is a past which is less that squeaky clean. What do we mean? Well, you may or may not know that some leaders in power today weren’t always politicians, didn’t always follow the law and took part in some less than ideal activities. These following world leaders all fall into that category. From current world leaders to recently deceased icons of the political world, each has their set of skeletons in the closet. Some are definitely darker than others as these dark pasts range from breaking laws and getting arrested to taking part in genocidal activities to the just plain strange.

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