10 Things Friends Should NEVER SHARE ─ TheRichest

10 Things You Should Never Share With Other People EVER
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Germs are a part of life, an unpleasant reality that must be faced every day out in public, at the office, in transit and even inside your own house. Different people react to the presence of germs in different ways, spanning a trajectory that extends from unrepentant germophobe down to ‘maybe you don’t want to put that in your mouth’. For the most part, however, the vast majority of people typically tend to shift towards the middle of the spectrum as neither neat freaks nor slobs. But even as we adhere to common hygienic practices and, perhaps, skip out on one or two others, we may not be living quite as cleanly as we’d like to think.

Let’s face it, we all do – or don’t do – certain things that may not necessarily represent the epitome of hygiene. After all, who among us hasn’t eschewed flossing before choosing instead to pick a food morsel out of our teeth or used the mythical “five second rule” to eat something that has dropped to the floor? Current scientific data suggests that the human body is comprised of just as many bacteria cells as human cells, if not a few more on the bacteria side of the ledger. Throughout world history, people have never had more access to information on how to stay clean, nor have they had more access to products used to help do so. And yet still, cleanliness can take a secondary, deemphasized role in our lives at times.

There stands a divide between hard, scientific data and what we’ve come to popularly and socially accept as standard hygienic practice. After all, how many of us wash our hands immediately after handling money, which many studies have identified as one of the foremost germ-infested items that we handle every day? So it’s no surprise then that there is a long list of common products that we share regularly without a thought, but that happen to be a big, hygienic no-no from a sanitation standpoint. As a general rule, if you aren’t engaged in an intimate relationship with someone, you probably don’t bear a level of physical closeness with them to warrant sharing personal cleaning products.

So what are these items? Well, some are of no surprise – or at least they shouldn’t be, anyway. It probably goes without saying that any cleaning tool that digs past the surface of the body and enters and openings shouldn’t be used by others. In other words, feel free to hoard your own Q-tips, nose hair trimmers and toothbrushes without offering them around. But an object doesn’t have to delve inside of you to leave it better suited strictly for your own use. If you rub it against your skin, if it comes anywhere near your mouth, if it goes in your hair… when in doubt, it’s probably best just to keep it to yourself. Here are 10 everyday items that you may well be sharing with others, but likely should not be.

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