10 Stars Who Won't Be Relevant in 5 Years ─ TheTalko

10 Popular celebs no one will care about in a few years. Subscribe: https://goo.gl/Hnoaw3
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Fame is a funny thing, as these popular celebrities no one will care about in five years are about to find out. One day you’re riding high, racking up column inches, at the top of your game and exciting a load of fans desperate to find out your next move. But then something happens and you’re irrelevant. You might get replaced in their affections by a newer, younger, more interesting celebrity. You might have started out too strong and not be able to reach the same success. Or you might just end up stretching your 15 minutes of fame that bit too far. These celebrities might be hanging onto fame now, but give it five years and they’ll be irrelevant.

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