TIME TO CELEBRATE!! ─ RomanAtwoodVlogs

Yesterdays Vlog - https://youtu.be/jurugdMcfyo
JOIN ME on Live.Me! - http://smarturl.it/319bs1

Today Brittney and I Flew to Scotland to start my 3rd part of this tour in Europe. We pretty much just sat either on a plane or in a airport all day so... This vlog is not the most exciting thing you have ever seen. haha. Thank you guys so much for being here! You are a massive part of our life! We love you. Smile more :)

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TWITTER: https://twitter.com/romanatwood
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/_Little_Britt_
SNAPCHAT: RomanAtwood
SNAPCHAT: little_brittney
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/romanatwood
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/_Little_Britt_

Smile More Store: http://RomanAtwood.com
My Pranks: http://youtube.com/RomanAtwood

Send Mail To:

PO BOX 670
Millersport OH 43046

This is my life as a Father of my sons Noah and Kane along with my girlfriend Brittney in Ohio. I’ve made pranks on YouTube since 2010 and vlogs since 2013.

I love you all! Roman soldiers baby!

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