10 Most Satisfying Revenge Scenes in Famous Movies ─ TheRichest

Top 10 Most amazing revenge scenes in popular movies
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When we are wronged in real life, it is often said that we should take the high-road and learn to forgive and forget. It can be very hard sometimes, as often all we want is that satisfying moment of revenge to get back at the person or people who were involved. Have something stolen from you? Watched as your team was horribly embarrassed in a game with rivals? Have a friend talking trash behind your back? These are all perfect examples of moments where your desire for revenge is likely high. However, in real life, revenge usually ends up being far less satisfying than we imagined. It can also get us into more trouble than we were to begin with and hurt people we didn’t intend to.
Thank goodness for movies. Revenge is often a central theme in many movies and can satiate our need to see some hard justice handed out to those who deserve it. It doesn’t matter what kind of film we are talking about either. Drama, rom-com, sci-fi – they can all have strong elements of revenge running throughout. As these following examples clearly demonstrate, there are more than a handful of very satisfying revenge scenes that have come out of Hollywood. Some, like mobster and war films, you’d expect to see. That said, there are also a few comedies which go to show you can get back at those who have wronged you with a smile on your face and the audience laughing with you.

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