10 Funniest News Fails Caught On Green Screen ─ TheRichest

top 10 hilarious green screen goofs and mistakes
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Ever watched a program where the person doesn’t quite look right against a backdrop? Seen more than your share of weather personalities walking back and forth in front of a giant map? If you have then you’ve seen the green screen at work. This technology has been in use for a while and allows one image to be superimposed over another. It’s how someone can be shown to be standing in front of the White House or Buckingham Palace when they are actually in a studio. It’s how a weather person can give the news for your area on a large and constantly changing map without having to move around a lot. Yes, green screen can have its flaws, but its versatility makes it a must-have in the entertainment and information industries.
Of course, video game and movie making allows for takes and editing – live television does not. This means that broadcasts such as the daily news are ripe with various hilarious fails related to green screen technology. Ahead you’ll see a variety of fails involving green screen technology. Naturally there are a few involving incidents where people mistakenly wore green or blue to work. However, there are also examples of what can happen when support staff and even the green screen computers drop the ball. The result are some funny and even cringe-worthy moments that’ll make you glad you aren’t involved in the live television industry.

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