10 Famous Actors Who Can't Act Without Drinking ─ TheRichest

top 10 celebrities who had to drink to film their movie
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Homer Simpson famously stated that alcohol was the cause and solution to all of life’s problems. There’s no doubting that drinking can cause serious physical and social harm if not controlled. That said, our cartoon friend appears to be right about a drink or two solving some of those short term problems we often find ourselves in. Afraid to talk to that cute guy or girl? Not feeling confident enough to sing karaoke in front of a crowd? Feeling nervous about giving that big financial presentation tomorrow at work? OK, that last one was just thrown in there to make sure you’re paying attention, but hopefully you get the idea. Alcohol has often been used to relax people and get over that hump created by shyness or nerves.
While every job has moments that cause discomfort and hesitation, acting probably sits up there with some of the most challenging. From standing in front of large crowds to performing scenes in the nude to simulating intimate moments with another actor, those in the acting profession can’t be shy or hold back when the cameras and crowd are watching. Alcohol to the rescue. It turns out some rather famous celebs have turned to alcohol to help them get through some challenging scenes. From screen legends to new starlets, all of these actors found the answers to their stage fright at the bottom of a bottle.
Alcohol – many of us turn to it throughout our lives to make things a little more fun or a little more bearable. Sure the answer to life isn’t in a bottle, but for some people things seem to go a little bit better when they have some liquid courage by their side. This is no more evident than in the world of acting. While you shouldn’t really drink on the job, these actors show that some roles just needed a little extra help in order to get it done.

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