10 Celebs No One Knew Were Transgender ─ TheTalko

10 Surprising celebrities you didn't know were transgender! Subscribe: https://goo.gl/Hnoaw3
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More and more Hollywood celebrities are feeling comfortable about revealing their gender
identities. As fans, many times we have no idea certain celebrities were born a different gender until they finally come out to the world. We found more than a few celebrities who you probably didn’t know were transgender.

Gemma Cowling became the first Australian-born transgender model when she was signed by Azalea Models. She started her life out as a boy, but she always knew that deep down inside, she was born to be a female. She knew there was something “different” about her, and it was very difficult for her to fit in with other children while she was growing up. These days, Gemma is finally comfortable in her own skin, and the modeling world has quickly labeled her as the next big thing.

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