10 GENIUS Ideas On How To Turn TRASH Into TREASURE ─ TheTalko

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We all have trash. Unless you have decided to live a completely green life and never buy anything online, we can guarantee that you have old cardboard boxes galore. But you don’t have to throw out all the things you don’t need. Instead, you can turn them into something beautiful. Here are 10 Awesome Ideas On How To Turn Trash Into Treasure.

Got any old tissue boxes lying around? Chances are if it’s after cold and flu season, you do. Instead of throwing those boxes away, wrap them in some cute paper and turn them into storage bins. You can put anything from art supplies to toilet paper in these decorative bins depending on their size.

Can you never find your bobby pins? Welcome to the club! To fix this problem, just take an old Tic Tac package and wrap it with decorative tape. Then, stuff all your bobby pins inside. Now you have a cute little bobby pin container.

Don’t know what to do with all your old CDs now that you’ve joined Spotify or Apple Music. Don’t worry! You can use the reflective side of the CD to add some pizzaz to your clothing! How? Stay tuned to find out!

Whether it’s making pinecone Christmas wreaths or lanterns out of soup cans, there are some amazing ways to turn trash into something cool. Watch until the end of 10 Awesome Ideas On How To Turn Trash Into Treasure to find out what you can use an old vacuum tube for.

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